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Innovative Glamping Concept that will give you Great press coverage - Return on investment in less than 30 Months

Cocoon Tree Village  

Including 4 to12 Cocoon Tree,  Bathroom Domes,  Reception Dome and   Restaurant Dome with *installation by our Team

Each Cocoon Tree with a 2,40 meters diameter mattress. Each Bathroom dome with dry toilet, shower, and sink. *Standard installation price with access by vehicle to each installation spot. Carrying by hand may affect this cost. 


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4 to12 Cocoons  with installation

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 bathroom domes
with toilets and showers

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 Dome for reception and restaurant

First steps for the installation
of a Cocoon Tree Village

Contact your local municipality to get their consent or permission to install your Cocoon Tree Spot

Have your trees checked by a qualified tree expert to insure of their qualities to support the weight of a Cocoon Tree : 240 Kgs empty, 640 Kgs full.

We will be happy to organize an initial visit of our tree expert to help you to check the 2 and 3 steps at your location. After the visit we will provide you a quote for one or more Cocoon Tree. The tree expert travelling expenses will have to be paid by you for the initial visit.

​ Send us some photos of the spot where you wish to install your Cocoon Tree. Remember that each Cocoon Tree is hung between 3 to 4 trees and you will need a minimum of 5 meters distance between them to fit the Cocoon Tree of 3 meters diameter. The Cocoon Tree is installed between 0,5 to 5 meters above the ground (from the bottom of the structure).

The vehicule used to transport the Cocoon Tree will aim to come as close as possible to the installation spots. Carrying in by hand may be necessary and may affect the installation costs especially if the land is not flat. Tell us about it.

Then if you accept our quote you will need to pay a deposit of 50% of the full cost to start your project.

By Message


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Mobile : +33(0) 615 836 813


By Mail :

In Person :

Our workshop is based in Aix en Provence in the south of France. You are most welcome to visit us and you will meet ; Bernie, our designer - Manuel, our architect - Arjun and Pierre of the installation team

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